Saturday, February 27, 2010

Central Park~Shabu Slim

I went to Central Park which is next to Taman Anggrek Mall. It's a new mall in West Jakarta, not too complete right now, but i think it will be a great mall because Central Park has a different side: the park is beautiful. I love a mall in Singapore called Vivo City and Central Park looks like Vivo City i think. I don't know but i feel like that. I loooveeee this!

Me and my family ate shabu2 n sushi in the Shabu Slim restaurant . It's a new restaurant in Central Park. . I don't why the name of restaurant "Shabu Slim", humm. slim? If i eat food in this restaurant, it will make me slim, huh? hahaha.

btw, thanks for Rimma from Strawberry Milk Soda for giving me an award ^^

i'll give an award to 6 bloggers:
3. Titaz
5. Pipi

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Positive Psychology~12

Wohooo ! Hari ini libur, hahaha! Well, sebenarnya guw ada rapat hari ini, tapi guw meloloskan diri,hehee. Ga deh, guw udah minta izin sebelumnya karena sebelum diberitahukan ada rapat, guw udah ada janji hari ini. Soo, byebye rapat! >.<

Tetap aja sih ga merasa liburan, toh hari sabtu nya ada acara di kampus, positive thinking training gituu. It will be great! Guw udah pernah LDK bareng sama pembicaranya, kak Micha. Agak sayang juga sih guw ga ikut rapat hari ini, coz sebenarnya guw mau dijadiin fasilitator juga buat hari sabtu, bantuin kak Micha. Tapi apa boleh bulat, nasi sudah jadi bubur,hikzz.

Untuk bagaimana acara ini berlangsung, wait until tomorrow yaah. Guw akan ngepost n bagiin ke kalian. Guw seneng banget sama dunia guw-dunia psikologi, yaah walaupun belum jadi psikolog yaaa, tapi guw banyak belajar, terutama dari sesepuh-sesepuh guw,hahhaa. Maksudnya dosen2 guw gituu, ga pak Monty laah, pak Tommy lahh, atau ga kak Micha.. waaah i adore them a lot deh! Guw seneng banget bincang-bincang sama 'pakar' psikologi.
Seperti waktu itu guw pernah ngobrol bareng sama Pak Tommy dan Ci Yunita tentang keduabelas unsur positive psychology, itu sungguh inspirasional! Coba deh kalian bayangin, kenapa banyak hal berhubungan dengan angka 12? Dari ada 12 unsur positive psychology, 12 bulan dalam satu tahun, 12 horoscope, 12 shio, 12 murid Yesus, sampai yang kata-katanya kiamat tahun 2012? Ada apa dengan 12? hahahaa.

Sunday, February 21, 2010


I went to Ritz Carlton Hotel with my family to attended wedding ceremony. It was great because i ate a lot of delicious food,ahahahaa. I love their pasta, sooo yummy with parmesan cheese! I want more!hahaaa.

bolero-n.y.l.a,dress-itc mangdu,tights-unbranded,clutch bag-eustacia,shoes-itc kuningan

Btw, i love watching GLEE and American Idol right now. I watch American Idol because i want to see John Park, He is korean and he has a good voice, of course. I'm one of his fans,hahaha. ^^ Ok, tomorrow i will go back to my boarding house, sounds bad, hikzz. Honestly, i want to stay at home, but i must study , T-T

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Semester 2

Semester dua is totally different with semester satu ! Semester dua is killing me! Baru saja guw melewati semester dua selama satu minggu, tapiii udah ngerasa kayak gini aja,huff! Huum, guw shocked mendadak gitu, secara sekarang tuh apa2 tugas kelompok, bahkan ada satu mata kuliah yang guw ambil dengan 'terpaksa' yaitu bimbingan karir, mengganti UTS dengan tugas kelompok! Huaaah, guw lebih prefer belajar mati-matian sendiri daripada harus kerjain tugas kelompok, arghhh.

Target guw semester dua tentu naik daripada semester satu. Guw mau memacu diri guw untuk lebih lagi. Tapi mendadak ciut gitu setelah 'menyaksikan' semester dua selama satu minggu ini,brrr.. Huhuhuhu, ga boleh, ga boleh, guw harus tetap berjuang. Masa iya guw udah kalah sebelum bertanding? Guw harus semangat 45 ,hahaa.

Terus guw juga kesel sama jadwal semester dua guw. Mustinya guw bisa libur sehari tuh hari kamis. Tapi akibat pengisian krrs yang ga jelas itu, jadinya guw memilih apa pun yang bisa dipilih dan ga bentrok. Pada akhirnya kuliah guw itu rata2 jadwalnya pulangnya sore jam 16.40 . Guw kurang suka aja kuliah berangkat siang pulang sore,huff. Apalagi guw mau ngeles juga , jadinya kebuang waktu gitu dan guw ga bisa les karena jadwal lesnya rata-rata siang. Hikzzz..

Btw, , it was my outfit for chinese new year:

Saturday, February 13, 2010

From Paris with Love

Beberapa hari yang lalu, guw nonton "From Paris with Love" sendirian, yaaa sendirian! Why? Soalnya guw nunggu beberapa jam untuk ujian, soo dari pada ga ada kerjaan mending nonton,hahhaa. Honestly, i don't like action movies, but this movie is a great movie to watch. ^^
John Travolta disuruh bawa guci kemana-mana yang berisikan drugs. It's funny,haha.

buku-buku yang guw habiskan selama liburan..hmm..

cheese cake n raisin with blueberry topping~yummy

Btw, tommorow is Valentine's Day and Chinese New Year. So, happy Valentine's Day and happy Chinese New Year all !! I will post about my outfit for Chinese New Year. Huaaah., tomorrow will be my last holiday, hikzz. I hope i can enjoy it all. Byee everyone!

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Still with Gray ? humm.

what i wore:
tshirt-passar baroe
stripes tanktop-bought in KL
jeans n shoes-ITC

I had lunch with my "Woman's Club" at Dapur Sunda (actually, i'm not a woman, still a girl,hahaa). It was fun and i really enjoyed that moment! Yeaaa, they are also my family in the english course. I found them! It makes me feel comfortable and enjoyable to come to my english course. Hiphiphuraaaiii !
Hooaaamm. . I must sleep now. Tommorow will be better than today. Byebye anyone!

Monday, February 08, 2010

Gray, Gray, and Gray!

The Details :

What i wore:
gray dress-bought in KL
sandals-itc mangga dua

Monday, February 01, 2010

Green Blazer Flower Dress

flower dress 1
flower dress 2
I will go to "Woman's Club" tommorow! Maybe, i will be a youngest woman?hahaha. But it's not problem for me, i still want to join this club. I think it's good for me, i can learn many things in there. Yippie! !