Again I call you like this
Because of you I love you
I am going right now to see you
To me the love that was deeper than the tears
That you gave me
The road with the lights where
I talked to you first
Still now,my heart shows the same
Everything that passes my tears
The memories that continue on for you
Truthfully if I tell you that I ended up loving you
Im scared that it would be awkward
Again I call you like this
Because of you I love you
I am going right now to see you
To me the love that was deeper than the tears
That you gave me
Even if I tell you that it is going tobe only you many times
If I am born again, I tell you that all
I need is your love
Compared to anyone else, I love you
Because you are living in my heart my mind
I am going right now to see you
I am carrying my promise and my
**(english version)
wAh...wAh...bner2 pasangan yg klIk&kLOp bgt...cha gA eUlny mang cUte bgt,trus yi jOOnny mang pny khArisma yg mele2hkan stiap cW yg melihatny smp2 kepincut, t'utama ma cW yg pny bLog ni&yg nulis koMen blog ni hehehe...gatw malu nch hahahaha...mudah2an d'dunia nyata bner sprti yg d'harpkan stiap fans2 mreka...^.^ c'yanti
@c yanti: hahahaa, iya nih. qta fans kim bum banget! kim so eun nya jga cantik bged dehh..hhe
i love Kim Bum & Kim So Eun! ^^
btw itu terjemahan lagu yang mana mei?
yang mana lagi selain i'm going to meet you now.hahahaha
wooohh ituu rupanyaaa.. hahaha ^^
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