
@Dreamland (You should go there!)

@Barong Dance
@Bali Zoo ( another people said Bali Safari is more interesting, but i never gone there)

Food Time !! (@Bebek Bengil and Babi Guling Ibu Oka)

I should go there next time, i wanna play on the beach again! I love the beach! Ok. Enough for Bali. I hope my brother can survive in there, with new friends, environment, culture, and language (He continues his studying in Bali). All the best for you! ^^
Anyway, holiday is almost finish. I'll face new classess, new teachers, new situations, and new feelings. hahaha. It's my third semester, i wanna study harder than before. Yeaaah! Hwaiting!
oh all this looks so wonderful ! the food, the pictures are beautiful !! good luck studying! im starting my first semester ahh!
hope you had a great holiday :) i love baliiii especially seminyak's shopping places. i love kuta too
hai,,,aku juga baru dari BALI...
kamu ga ke padang padang???
this is my holiday in BALI..
Ah, Bali... I wish I could go there :)
wow, greatttt holiday ;)
nice post, dear
visit my blog too
The sky is beautiful.
Ah lovely photos :)
bali!! wow, you make me sooo jealous dearrr :( great vacation!
that was a fun holiday :)
visit mine,
Ahahaha omg so pretty.
Absolutely beautiful pictures. Bali looks lovely.
Just came across your blog and it is great.
We are having a our first giveaway over on our blog. I hope you come over to check it out.
i've just wanted to say it also.
For me dreamland is now no dreamland no more. Its more like.... i dont know how to say it. like maybe starting to be contaminated. >,<
You can really see how beautiful the beach is and how clear the water is. You can still even see CLEARLY the sand when youre already in 1 meter deep. And yes, its so clean, the water is not that salty (you can dive with your eyes open).
For me :
clear water on the beach means >> there's no fish>> the water not that salty >> there's no peeing fish!!!!
waaa , bali emang keren ! aku blum prnah ke situ !! have a nice trip yaa ;) salam kenal !
seems like you had a wonderful vacation...cool pics :)
eclectic du jour
looks like a fun vacation. update soon! ;)
definitely, maybe
bali so wondeful place !! nice photos dear :)
Your photos are so amazing :) You're life looks pretty darn exciting :)
I'm new to blogging (and pretty bad at it) btu maybe check out my brand new blog :)
Looks like a fab time :)
Nice :)
the scenary is beautiful.
faaab pictures! uuh i want baliiiii :3
Bali is a wonderful place for getaway.always.
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